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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , June 13 , 2017
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Here are some links:

Highlights of the current storyline, from the Rotating Eggplants of Doom.

The artist's home page with somewhat outdated information on Pigs and Toasters and more comics.

The Rotating Eggplants' of Doom infrequently updated blog, which could be used to comment on REFC.

Rotating Eggplant Family Comics™

Kristy: Hi, Everyone! Just as we started over five years ago, we end, well, let's say pause, with me, Snr. Bu. Kristy Shipp!

I looked like this back then!

Kristy: Um, here's the announcement: “We hope you have enjoyed Rotating Eggplant Family Comics. Another volume will appear in due course”.

Kristy: “More pig stories are also being planned. Meanwhile check the links below.”

So, for the moment...

Kristy: Th- th- that's all, folks!

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