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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , June 22 , 2012
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Pigs and Toasters Presents Rotating Eggplant Family Comics

Happy Hollistons™

CM Director: Okay, go ahead, Kristy.

Kristy: Okay, Director-san. Kristy Shipp here. we apologize for the delay in the story.

Mark (the artist) is on vacation.

It's not like I get a vacation! I'm always dealing with Oink! Or, even worse, Quake!

Director: Tell them about the soup!

Kristy: Ah, right. While waiting, why not have some Hollistons soup?

This can is rutabaga, not my favorite.

But I'm sure it's very nice if you like that sort of thing.

Kristy: Anyway, there are 38 delicious flavors--

Director: 37 flavors!

Kristy: Er, right, 37 flavors!

Director: There have always been 37 flavors.

Kristy: Right, so don't let those east asian cats tell you otherwise!

(Not to be confused with east asian pigs like me.)

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