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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , September 26 , 2012
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Oink: Uh, Fertilizer... Deposit? Room?

Chili: Ah, the translation field is being unusually literal. Um, the toilet?

Oink: Oh, we're fine on that. But...

Um, let's see.

Chili: Something else I can do you for?

Oink: Well, I could use a bite to ea--

Chili: Please! Don't use the ā€œEā€-word!

Kristy: Hey!

Kristy: Please do not handle the pig.

You'll get fur on him.

Oink: Um...

Oink: Um...

Chili: What? Is he allergic.

Kristy: All pigs are allergic to cats!

Oink: Oh, hush, Kristy!

Oink: Thanks to our new version 3.2.7 (beta) immune systems, allergies are a thing of the past!

Well, aside from that nasty business with the koalas...

Chili: I see...

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