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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , December 25 , 2012
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Chili: Well, I don't have anything like that, but there is one more form here...

Kristy: Let's see...

Mmm, yes...

Oink: Now, this is more like it!

Oink: This bit says we have to acknowledge that contacts with dragons must be reported as if they were contacts with potatoes!

Kristy: Excellent! Completely baffling, and binding us to some we can't possibly understand!

Oink: The C.B.B. couldn't have done better!

Chili: I can explain the form.

Chili: Well, some of it...

Kristy: No, no, don't spoil it!

Oink: The line “dragons are to be considered potatoes under the trading with potatoes directive of EC297291092” is brilliant!

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