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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , April 24 , 2013
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Oink: So, you are all ”Associated Animals”?

Ensign LaPine: Yes, we're “Group 17”.

Associated Animal: At least, that's what we call ourselves...

Kristy: Speaking of which, why are you guys called “Associated Animals” anyway?

Fredea: The Eggplants call us that, so...

Kristy: Right. So hail the Eggplants?

Oink: What do you Associated Animals do? You work for the Eggplants?

La Pine: Yup.

Associated Animals: We all do different things.

Ensign La Pine and I work on the bridge in Eggplant/animal relations.

Fredea: Exactly. So, what do you and Oink do?

Kristy: We're Space Bureaucrats. We mainly deal in filling in forms.

Sometimes we make up new forms, too.

Suzi: I see... forms...

La Pine: If the eggplants didn't recognize you, we probably would have been the ones who talked to you on your ship.

Oink: Gosh, bad luck for us, then.

Associated Animal: Oh, Oink, you are a charmer.

No wonder Chili likes you.

Kristy: Speaking of Lt. Tougarashi, is she part of your group?

Fredea: No, she belongs to the “Pepper (but not for eating)” group.

Kristy: Are you gossiping about me?

Kristy: Oh, goody, the cat returns!

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