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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , November 15 , 2013
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Eggplants: We will tell you what we know about the rutabaga spaceship.

There are many robots inside it; they patrol around it in smaller spaceships.

Chili: I'm interested in robots.

Oink, if you had a robot, what you have it do?

Oink: Er, I don't know...

Chili: Filling in forms?

Oink: But I like filling in forms...

Eggplants: Ahem, we have important information...

Chili: Yes, yes, please wait a little...

Eggplants: These robots are bad...

Oink: That's okay, I don't need a robot.

Kristy: I know what I'd tell a robot to do...

I'd tell it to keep a certain cat away.

Chili: Kristy, you're joking! You make me laugh!

Eggplants: If you animals are quite done?

Chili: Yes, please continue.

Eggplants: Perhaps if we explain the task have for the animals. That may hold their interest better.

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