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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , September 21 , 2014
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Not at all a Soup Page

Eggplants: There will be a short delay.

Of course, we are all looking forward to seeing the “Sheep's Central Rhomboid” with the Associated Animals...

Eggplants: But, As animals will clearly see, today is La Fête des Récompenses.

Which is not a Quintidi.

Eggplants: Unfortunately, this means the next page of the story is not for five more days.

Eggplants: But please do not be down-, er, what is the seed called? ah, hearted.

After all, you were honored to see us, the noble Eggplants!

If you must eat, eat toast.™

...but we do get a kickback from the soup.

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