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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , October 26 , 2014
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Chili: seems like tasty fish ...

Oink: It sure smells good... from over there...

I wonder what the sign says.

Chili: Hey, Ms. Shipp!

Eos: The sign on the Fish Shop?

It says food is free for you pilots.

But surely you can read Modern Potato?

Oink: Er, yes, but the er, font, no, ah...

Chili: How about fish?

Kristy: Excuse me, Ms. Eos.

Eos: Ah, Lt. Shipp.

Kristy: The cat an I were thinking of having a quick bite.

Would you like to join us, or...?

Eos: Ah, fish isn't my favorite, actually

Ah, but it seems stairway 547-909 has been cleared.


So now it's fairly simple to get to the Historical Art Museum.

I'll tell you the way and then return to work.

Eos: See that door, past the stage?

Kristy: Ah, yes the red one...

Oink: By the car?

Eos: Right, just go through that door and up the stairs.

Oink: Thank you for your help, Ms. Eos.

Chili: We'll certainly convey your message to Morathi when we meet him.

Eos: Thank you. I will inform Chief Potato Six Forty Six.

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