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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , December 5 , 2014
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Chili: But, why didn't you report that your were okay?

The Eggplants were worried, you know.

Finn: It's because here in the sheep, the walls have ears...

*The Mysterious Potato

Chili: Is that so? You have to be careful.

Finn: Plus the radios are back on our VSEs...

Chili: By the way, where are the other animals? Safe?

Finn: They went to talk to some tomatoes. Morathi said for me to wait here.

He's a bit rough, but he's really okay. Still, It's been a while...

Even I can only eat so many fish...

Chili: Is that so? Er, can you tell me about Ms. Pepper?

Finn: You're in her fan club, aren't you?

Well, she's a sweet cat, but, Ah, ...

Chili: Not a good head...?

Finn: A little. Sorry...

Chili: It's okay. We in the pepper fan club admire her, but we're realistic.

Finn: Well, she certainly tries hard, doesn't she?

Chili: That's right. We admire that, so we try hard in singing our songs and such.

Finn: Speaking of singing, take a look at this!

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