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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , January 24 , 2015
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Next Day (FST*)

Fred: It seems that in the museum, it's still being the afternoon. If you're not slow, you'll be there before closing.

Kristy: Thank you for all of your help.

Oink: Yup, “so long and thanks for all the fish”.

*Fish Shop Time

Kristy: Okay, the museum was through that red door, right...

Oink: Er, I thought it was over there, past that car...

Kristy: Maybe we can ask someone...

Oink: Er, excuse me, Mister Chicken...

Kristy: Er, I hope you don't mind us calling you that...

Xavier (Chicken): Not at all. Being a chicken is an honorable estate...

After all, we Chickens are dinosaurs made of exploded stars.

So that's pretty cool, isn't it?

Xavier: But my name is actually Xavier K. Cud.

What can I do for you brave up-Goers?

Kristy: Er, we're a little disoriented...

We're going to the historical art museum, but...

Xavier: I see... Do you have any High explosives?

Oink: Er, no, but...

Xavier: A shame. Let's check my book... any Giant springs?

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