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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , March 25 , 2015
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Kristy: Er, excuse us, but we're with, ah, Teal Wombat Squadron.

We're looking for some colleagues...

Beet: Of course, the cat and his sister, or was it...?.

Anyway, they went to the Potato Wars Exhibit.

Go on in; I'll put down two more for Teal Wombat.

Beet: Just a moment, would you be the Zeggpold group?

Oink: Why, yes, I'm Zeggpold.

Beet: There's a letter for you here...

Kristy: Why does everyone call us the “Zeggpold Group”.

Beet: Here you are.

Oink: Thank you!

Oink: It's from Chili!

An invitation to a party and a letter.

Let's see...

Oink: She writes:

Chili: Mr Oink (And Kristy!)

Are you Well? It's Tougarashi!

Miss Sheep contest uniform (Animal-A)

New hair

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