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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , August 22 , 2015
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Sheep: There are two of you pilots, correct?

Please take those two seats right over there.

Oink: Ah, thank you, miss.

Kristy: Wow, look at all the sheep decorations.

Oink: It is the Miss Sheep contest, you know...

Sheep: Thank you for your attendance at the Miss Sheep contest!

Oink: Er, yes, ah, we're looking forward to it.

Kristy: C'mon, Oink.

Kristy: Excuse us...

Oink: Pardon me...

Audience: Natter. Natter.

Gomish. Gomish.

Natter, Natter.

Gomish, Gomish.

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