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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , October 26 , 2015
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Other pig #2: Someone's come out of that large vegetable carrier... not sure how...

Other pig #3: Odd...

Kristy: Form 665/G! You are stuck.

Oink: That's what I said!

Finn (singing): Good-bye! Good-bye!

Finn (singing): ...the long sayonara!

Other pig #1: It looks like a Swordfennec cross over...

Other pig #2: But who are the others?

Other pig #3: They're dressed as Associated Animals...

Kristy: If I pull the yoke...

Oink: That's it!

Kristy: Hey, did you say Swordfennec?

Other pig #2: Yes, but we're not sure about the cat, walrus or oversized novelty wolf...

Oink: Whew!


Kristy: What th—?

Oink: Watch out for the...

...sheep decorations!

Oink: Here we go again!

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