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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , December 15 , 2015
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Chili: Anyone! Help! We have to save Oink! Er, and that other pig.

A penguin: Hey, we can fly!

Chili: The gravity is broken.

Another penguin: It's fun, anyway!

Chili: But the lights are fixed.

Chili: I did it!


Kristy: For once, I'm glad to see you, Miss Chili...

Oink: Ugh...

Chili: Oinky, are you okay?

Kristy: Good grief.

Oink: Er, I'm fine. What was that “boom”?

Chili: Don't worry, probably just Morathi's group escaping.

Kristy: What!? Not again!


Chili: Waaa! Another attack.

Oink: Attack? the Eggplants...?

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