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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , March 4 , 2016
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Kristy: Here, Oink, put the bags under the seat.

Oink: Got it!

Chili: Mr Oink, while you're climbing the latter, I'll hold the bags.

Oink: Er, what happened to your bag, Chili?

Chili: Um, I'm afraid the Eggplants will become displeased, but...

I forgot it in the Miss Sheep dressing room.

Chili: Excuse me, Mr Oink, but I'll have to sit on your knees...

Er, yes, I understand.

Kristy: I thought you'd have liked that.

Aren't you going to flirt?

Chili: As for now... the time isn't...

Oink: Um...

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