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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , May 13 , 2016
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Kristy: Ha! We're too fast for them!

Kristy: Now, let's see about the radio...

Kristy: Wak! What's That!?

Kristy: A giant boot!?

Oink: The Iron Boot of Berglundism?

Kristy: Don't know, but hang on!

Chili: No, a pair of boots!

I think it's Mr Tac Wolf.

Oink: He can change size, but...

Chili: Ah, there's a radio button here.

Listen, everyone is panicking!

Radio: Sheep control, Carrot one and three, investigate new Eggplant unit at 16 paul 3!

Radio: STD control to tango and foxtrot wings, attack new robot unit in the center of the plane!

Chili: Is that Mr McGee from before?

Oink: Yup, that's “Boinky” McGee alright...

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