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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , July 12 , 2016
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Kristy: That one is probably Finn's unit.

Chili: Look, Kristy, Miss Finn has spotted a crack in the AA formation.

Is she going that way to escape?

Oink: There's a gap in the AA formation!

Finn: If someday we sprout again... the same garden.

I want to hug you tightly!

Kristy: Yes, yes, I see.

Let's go!

Kristy: Uh-oh! That toaster...

Chili: It's called “Toaster Quarter”.

Kristy: That slot is glowing.

Chili: It's preparing its weapon.

Finn: Good-bye, good-bye, long sayonara!

Kristy: It may be “goodbye” for us too!

Oink: Eep!

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