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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , July 22 , 2012
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Kristy: Stop fooling around, Oink.

Oink: Urgh..

Kristy: Bother...

There's another ship between us and that toast-of-prey ship

Kristy: I can't see the markings.

Wait, incoming message..

SDT Slot Control: This is SDT Slot Control to Zeggpolds vessel.

Kristy: Zeggpold's vessel??

Slot Control penguin: Stand by for power vine attachment. do not draw more than 6.4 quatloos of current.

Oink: Ack! A penguin!

Toaster: what's that in pigloos? Initiating unit exchange protocol.

Toaster: Ah, I see, that would be enough to maintain ship's functions indefinitely.

Kristy: But not enough to unthaw anyone else?

Toaster: Correct.

Kristy: Any chance of more power, slot control?

Slot Control: You'll have to ask the eggplants. (Hail the eggplants).
You need to see them anyway to discuss... various things.

Slot Control: Advise us when you are ready to disembark. We will have someone meet you to take you to animal storage.

Oink: Animal... storage?

Slot Control: Visiting animals' quarters. you will be wait there until the Eggplants grant audience.

Kristy: Oink, just what kind of vegetables have you got us mixed up with?

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