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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , August 21 , 2012
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Oink: Waaa!

Oink: Kristy?

Boinky McGee: No, it's me. With McFubber.

Quake McFubber: Since it looks like Boinky and I won't be in the story for a while...

Boinky: Since you left us in artificial hibernation...

Quake: Our agents got us in this dream sequence.

Oink: Dream sequence?

I guess I got knocked out.

Quake: And, I've got the catnip soup!

Oink: Um, soup?

Boinky: This isn't really a soup thing.

Quake: No?

Boinky: It's more for pacing.

Quake: Ah...
I think I have some stew...

Boinky: Too late! Time for us to fade out...

Quake: Already? Well, as long as we get paid!

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