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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Wednesday , October 17 , 2012
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Special Toast Page

Rotating Eggplants of Doom: Greetings and salutations, Associated Animals!

We are of course the mighty Rotating Eggplants of doom!

This is a “Special Toast Page”, not to be confused with an (ugh) soup page.

In fact, it's the opposite of an (ugh) soup page.

It's an Extra page, instead of a page explaining why there isn't a normal page.

Anyway, this page is in honor of the Day of the Eggplants!

Which is today!

In honor of the day, why not have some toast?

Stop in at your local “If You Must Eat, Eat Toast” shop!

If the shops haven't reached your dimension, using your own toaster is authorized!

Or turn your toaster in to the T.R.A. and use your Eggplant Reserve Notes to acquire toast!

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