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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , January 14 , 2013
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Kristy: Gosh, let's see, what could I possibly object to...

Chili: Well, probably it would be that I'm prettier than you, right?

Kristy: Don't be silly.

As if!

Chili: Ah, it must be that I've got cuter artificial leaves.

Kristy: Clothes? of course not. A bureaucrat's uniform is suitable for all occasions.

Including being cute.

Chili: Then, what is it?

Kristy: Well, you are, after all, a.. cat!

Chili: Uh? So what?

There are no allergies, so...

Oink: Ah, that's better. so, what were you talking about?

Chili: Just girl talk.

Err, excuse me, I'm just going to the ladies' powder room...

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