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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , July 13 , 2013
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Snow: You're a pilot? Fabulous!

Let's see what you can do in one of the new VSE-27s!

Kristy: Er, shouldn't I start in a simulator? The controls are probably...

Snow: No problem. Metamorphic controls.

Kristy: Huh?

Snow: They change to match whatever you're used to.

Snow: Pilot Shipp, this our mechanic, Sgt. Jodan.

Pilot/Bureaucrat Shipp is joining us.

Kristy: Pleased to meet you. I'm Kristy shipp.

Maggie: Likewise. Call me Maggie.

Snow: We'd like to take out a couple of VSE-27s.

Maggie: Try bays 243879 and 243880.

Snow: Since we're underway, we'll stay in the SDT toaster...

Maggie: Actually, we've stopped to check an asteroid belt for toasters.

Kristy: Er, do you find many toasters in places like that?

Snow: No, but the eggplants always look.

Maggie: Hail the Eggplants!

Snow: If we're going outside, we'll definitely need spacesuits.

I'll meet you at the bays.

Maggie: Come on, Kristy. The girls' changing room is this way.

Kristy: Ah, girls', right...

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