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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Tuesday , July 23 , 2013
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Snow: One thing, Pilot Shipp. When in a VSE, E.G.G. personal always wear a helmet. When going to a VSE, they always wear a helmet. Got it?

Kristy: Oink, oink, sir!

Kristy: Looks like it only slightly scrunches the snout.

Okay, let's see these VSE-27s...

Kristy: Kind of dark in here.

Snow: Helps your eyes adjust to space, pilot shipp.

Plus, it makes the launch more dramatic!

Kristy: Hmmm, the controls are the same as a Mark 2B flying brick...

Okay, Commander Snow, I'm closing the canopy. Now what?

Snow: I've cleared us for departure, Pilot Shipp.

Stand by for popping!

Kristy: Popping?

Kristy: What the—

Kristy: WaaAAa!

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