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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , August 12 , 2013
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TV based on "VikendSpecijalTv by vAonom" by Dejan Petrovic vAonom from Blendswap.

Kristy: Course heading, Commander?

Snow: Second star on the right—


Maggie: As long as you're out we have a possible toaster signature at (758, 518, -312).

The eggplants would like you to check it out.

Snow: Okay, Maggie, we're on it!

Kristy: The signal is coming from just behind that asteroid.

Snow: Nice job of navigation, Pilot Shipp.

Kristy: Yes, well, the controls are just like I'm used to.

Kristy: Even if the drive isn't. Desuggestion drive?

Snow: That's the Eggplants for you...

Snow: False alarm... It's a TV.

Kristy: Well, a toaster did seem unlikely.

Snow: Well, let's head back to the less unlikely Toaster we came from.

Kristy: Slightly less unlikely, anyway...

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