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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Saturday , January 4 , 2014
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Chili: A surprise party? Why?

Fredea: Well, not a going-away party...

Maggie: Since that's a secret!

Ens. La Pine: Maybe it's a solstice party?

Cmdr. Snow: But it's not the solstice...

A.A. Penguin: Not on Blueberry...

But let's check solstices on the skein...

Various party animals: There's this new place in Chocolate City 7...

The one on 3rd?

Forms? Yes, tons.

They're very keen, aren't they?

For toast clubs in côte d'Aubergine...

In my home town, there are lots of clubs, so...

My friend told me it's shaped like a rutabaga...

More toast?

Is there any more butter...?

So, Chili, what about the rumors?

What rumors?

You know, (whisper)...

I don't know anything about that.

There's this asteroid, see...?

Let's see the orbit...

It's really fun. You play a tomato, see, and...

What's an “eggroll”, anyway?

Ah, herring!

It's sort of like the toast game...

Oink: Eh? Kristy?

Oink: Hey, Kristy. Too many cats for you out there?

Kristy: Eh? No, I just found this view port...

Oink: Cool.

Do you realize it's Q already?

Kristy: Yeah.

I wonder how the Zeggs are doing...

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