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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , February 3 , 2014
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Chili: Thank you very much, noble Eggplants.

Oink: Er, if we're not supposed to open the bags...

Chili: Mr Oink! No!

Kristy: Hmm, “Hollistons™ Bags, Bergland, Ohio, B.N.A.”

Eggplants: You will know if it is appropriate to open them.

Safe docking, pilot/animals.

Chili: Sorry for the trouble, mighty Eggplants!

Kristy: Bother, why can't someone make a helmet that doesn't scrunch the snout...

LaPine: It's the ears that bother me.

Oink: Yeah, me too.

Assoicated animals: Have a safe trip, pilots!

Oink: Toast some bread for us, we'll be back for breakfast!

Chili: When I think that the Eggplants entrusted these to my group...

Kristy: Come on, you guys, we've got a launch window!

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