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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Sunday , November 15 , 2015
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Emu (on TV): Attention passengers and crew!

Finn: What happened to the lights?

Other pig #2: Those bureaucrats are stuck under this giant sheep decoration...

Other pig #3: And it's blocking my view!

Emu: All paws to battle stations!

We have incoming... Eggplants?

Um, must be Eggplant robots...

Anyway, this is not a drill!

Emu: All paws To battle stations!

Er, we now take you to the bridge!

Penguin flock member #1: Miss Linmey!

Penguin flock member #2: Are you alright?

Other pig #3: What's happening? I can't see with these emergency lights...

Potato Captain (on TV): This is your Captain speaking.

All paws, prepare to abandon sheep!

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