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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Friday , September 11 , 2015
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MC: Without further ado, the Miss Sheep finalists!



Baa, baa!

Hurrah for Chokosan!

Go wombats!

Kristy: There's a lot of competition for your girl friend.

Oink: She's not my girl friend!

Kristy: Whatever you say.

Anyway, I wonder what the contest is?

Oink: That paper said it was singing...

Look, they're starting!

Bear contestant (singing): When we came to the orchard

All the fences were dusty...

Lemon (singing): What is this quadrilateral for?

What is this quadrilateral for?

Wombat contestant (singing): You've got pollen on your leaves...

I'll wait and sneeze...

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