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Pigs and Toasters

by Mark Purtill

Monday , September 21 , 2015
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MC: The Miss Sheep contest will continue...

after this important message...

from Holliston soup corporation (Sheep) LTD.!

The Captain Potato: Attention crew!

This is The Captain Potato on behalf of Hollistons Soup™!

Today, the Celebration of Honors for 223, is not a Quintidi!

So there will be no comic today.

Bridge potato: Launch reserve squadron three.

Bridge potato: Unidentified objects in sector 7G!

Bridge potato: Violet Pigasus, stand by.

Bridge potato: Greengage Squadron, please report!

The Captain Potato: For those of you who eat, why not have some Hollistons Soup™ while waiting?

(Also excellent for watering.)

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